
Advertising opportunity available on Rapid Charge digital display fleets across multiple locations.

Choose from one of our below marketing and advertisement packages below or contact us to to customize a package specific to your needs. These totems can provide the marketing solution you need to have your business be noticed.




Image: Display your business logo or advertisement image across any of the Rapid Charge screens located within various venues across the Northern Territory.

  • This Package includes 15 seconds screen time every 5 minutes on any selected machine during peak business hours.
  • Choose additional Screens across any of our available venues for $5 Monthly.




Video/Montage: Advertise with a short video or montage (MP4) file across any of the Rapid Charge screens located within various venues across the Northern Territory.

  • This Package includes up to 1 minute screen time every 5 minutes during peak business hours.
  • Choose up to 3 Rapid Charge locations to have your advertisement displayed.
  • Choose additional Screens across any of our available venues for $5 Monthly.


Quote Available Upon Request

Custom: Have a custom business design created for you to by some of our team here at Rapid Charge and have it displayed on any of our screens, machines or surface areas at a venue of your choice.

  • Customize a Rapid Charge station with your Own wrap or sign printing.

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